Sunday, October 6, 2013

Deschooling? Fact or Fiction?

There is a lot of talk about Deschooling your child when you start homeschooling. For those of you who are not familiar with this term, Deschooling is a process of allowing your child time to get used to life without school. Not much different than detoxifying. I definitely agreed that my children, especially my oldest, would need some time to adjust to our new way of life. BUT I truly thought maybe it would take a few weeks, a month or two at most!

BOY was I wrong! Even in the midst of Deschooling, I was oblivious that it was happening. It appeared that homeschooling life was going to be some struggles and butting heads with my children to get them to participate and show interest in learning. This made me sad. Even though I knew homeschooling was the right choice, that learning by doing was better than worksheets, that freedom was better than the institution, my dream for homeschooling was that my children would CRAVE learning. I was hoping they would seek it out, be eager to learn and participate. Last year that is NOT what happened.

So we get through the year and summer comes. I let it all go. (Mind you we follow mostly an unschooling model - so 'all' is not much). We have a great summer traveling, camping, swimming and playing. September arrives and it's time to start with our schedules again: our weekly co-op, weekly art class, archery, sports etc. WELL......the first day of co-op my children FLY out of bed, are dressed in a flash, sitting at the table ready for breakfast. After they eat they are asking what they should pack up to bring. They are SUPER excited! We get there and they are participating spontaneously. At one point my youngest runs into a room I am in & squeals "First grade is THE BEST!" My oldest is giddy and chatting up a storm telling me all about her day! (usually getting her to talk is like pulling teeth). I got my children some new library books without their input, in an attempt to branch them out a little. This usually receives great resistance. My oldest read one of the books entirely the first day and then ASKS to do a book report!!!!! She HATES to write! My youngest who usually puts up a fight to practice reading is jumping in my husband's lap with her new library book!


I'll tell you. These are my children. The children I knew in my heart of hearts were there. The children I knew that loved learning once upon a time. And after a FULL YEAR of Deschooling......They Are Back!

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